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Worse than Watergate? More political scandals

The Valerie Plame Affair.

The Evening Standard: The Paper that Hates London

As El-Attar points out in his unpublished letter to the Standard, the only hatred and terror for sale in this case was the hatred and terror being incited by Robert Mendick and sold by the Evening Standard.

Craig's BookNotes has a new address AGAIN: now at - cut and paste it where it counts.

Meanwhile in 2004:

The Hutton Report seems to be largely forgotten now. Most people remember the '45 minutes' claim, and the 'sexed-up' assertion, which all seem to distract from the hundreds of deaths in Iraq that continue to this day. Hutton Inquiry.

Book: Blair's Wars: war without end which reminds me everyone should read Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four to understand phoney wars. Of course it all goes wrong when people believe they really are the enemy just because we are killing them and destroying their country's infrastructure. 100,000 Iraqi civilians dead. Why?

Attack on Faluja: Screams will not be heard.

MPs give harsh reception to ID card scheme - those were the days. Everyone's against it except the three or four people who can drive it through, it seems.

Greenpeace Oceans campaign to ensure we have food in the future.

Save or Delete is Greenpeace's campaign to protect ancient forests, so that we can breathe in the future.

News from Palestine: Arabic Media Internet Network. (Edward Said used to be here.)

Ben Hammersley on software patents.

Bush-backers-only policy riles voters at RNC rallies is an appalling example of control that Britain's New Labour woud be proud of. I find I am reading the US press as if I lived there now. And weblogs like Emphasis Added.

Secret Services harass blogger: We Interrupt This Madness...

U.S. Military Orders. Three Questions for President George W. Bush. US clears RFID chips for people.

They Voted for this Mess - the church in the US is telling people to vote Republican, despite it all. Good rant.

Book: Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone?: Confronting 21st Century Philistinism apparently not written by an intellectual, according to the comments on Amazon, but the question is valid.

Children not welcome: The War on Youth.

British Apples: Fallen fruit.

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